
Storing Without The Damage

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Storing Without The Damage

If you have ever stored things on a longterm basis before, then you probably understand how difficult it can be to keep everything in pristine condition. Although it can seem difficult to keep things clean and organized, the process doesn't have to be hard, especially if you know what you are doing. This blog is here to help other people to store without all of the damage typically associated with longterm storage. Check out these helpful posts to learn how to keep furniture, ceramics, clothing, and even electronics safe while they are in storage each and every day. Learn more here!

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The Top Reasons for New Pet Parents to Use Personal Storage Units

What are the benefits of personal storage for new pet parents? Take a look at the top reasons to rent an off-site storage unit before your new cat or dog arrives.

Your Pet Isn't House Trained

Does your new puppy look at everything as a potential doggy bathroom? If your new pet relieves themselves on area rugs, legs of chairs, and other home furnishings, a storage rental can help. Instead of ruining everything your pet decides to mark, you can store select items. After your pet gets the hang of using the great outdoors, a training pad, or a litter box, you can bring area rugs and other similar personal picks back into your home. If your pet has a setback, roll the rugs, cover the chairs, and re-store everything again.

Your Pet Claws Upholstery

Does your cat sharpen their claws on the furniture? If your kitten has a favorite furnishing or constantly tears apart anything covered in fabric, store the items temporarily until they outgrow the phase. A quick removal reduces the risks of permanent damage until your cat learns to not claw couches, chairs, and rugs. After you remove the upholstered items, replace the for-storage selections with a scratching post. By the time you bring your furniture back into the home, you cat will already have a new scratching or clawing routine.

Your Pet Sheds Excessively

Even though shedding is a normal part of your pet's fur cycle, the excess hair that accumulates on furniture and flooring isn't desirable. Remove some of the hairiest items during peak shedding times or seasons and put them into personal storage. This doesn't mean you have to keep your couch, chairs, or area rugs in storage year-round. Instead, only remove these items when your pet sheds the most. If this happens in the spring, store the fur magnets from March through May. Likewise, if your pet only sheds in the summer, put everything into a rental unit from May through September. While many pets shed during the warmest months, it's possible yours may still lose excess fur in the fall or winter. If your cat's or dog's breed sheds during the cooler times of the year, you'll need to adjust the storage schedule.

Your Pet Chews on Everything

Destructive behavior (such as chewing) can happen as part of a developmental stage or when your pet is stressed/nervous. If your pet chews on specific items or pieces of furniture, place these in self-storage until the dog or cat outgrows the phase or feels more comfortable in their surroundings.